Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today I join the ranks of the Weight Watchers bloggers! A bit about me. I have been a member of Weight Watchers for over 3 years now. I had lost 42 pounds within the first 7 months. Then, I started to slip and slide. Mostly slip.

As of today, May 20, 2010, I have gained all back but .2 lbs. I have been thinking about quitting Weight Watchers for a while. But, then, I know how hard it is for me to get back in the swing of things once I stop. So, I went tonight and took my lumps and learned about breakfast eating. I have been drinking 2 large glasses of milk for breakfast for quite sometime now. But, for the past 2 months or so, it hasn't been sustaning me. So, I grab whatever and eat!

I have been unmotivated and frankly lately, I just haven't cared. I journal my eats and if I bite it, I write it, but, that hasn't motivated me, either. I know I need to care and I know I need to loose the 150 lbs. plus. But, I need to find whatever it is I need to find to motivate myself again! And, I don't know what is is. My knees have let me know how ungrateful they are that I have put the 42 lbs back on, because it is harder to walk around.

I will go to Weight Watchers next Thursday, too. But, in 2 weeks, I will be on a plane to Upstate New York for a wedding and some sight seeing around the LDS sights in Palmyra, NY and Cummorah, as well as the Erie Canal. I am hoping I can walk around and enjoy it. The wedding is going to be at an animal sanctuary farm. I love the country and will enjoy it. It is a vegan wedding and the wedding breakfast will be vegan, as well. So, that will be a different experience for me, as I am a carnivour. Hey, It may open my eyes to something healthy to eat and may just be tasty!

Well, I am going to sign off now. But, for those who may or may not read my new blog, thanks for the support and for caring! Cindy